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White Wall Project


White Wall Project 白牆計畫




"Once upon a time, we have forgotten how we can do anything recklessly for our works at some time in the past."

In pace with uncleanness and unevenness of the white wall of 201 classroom, which is used to put on displayto exhibitexhibition, we perhaps have forgotten the enthusiasm and momentum while making our works before. We didn't mill the wall to flat because of laziness. We painted plain white on the wall instead of lily white. Being lazy for pulling out screws. The walls of 201 classroom are no more like a exhibition space. Maybe it will be recovering, renewing, or just cleaning up. Hoping at the time the wall of the classroom return to clean and smooth, we can also find the enthusiasm and sensation while making our works in usuall.



隨著201教室展覽用的白牆逐漸不如過往平整乾淨,我們或許也逐漸忘了當初做作品的熱情與衝勁。因為懶惰不磨牆面的 我們、把平光白塗在百合白牆面上的我們、懶得拔壁虎的我們......,201的牆面越來越不像展覽用牆面該有的樣子。或許是一種復原,或許是一種更新, 也或許只是個大掃除。期待當這間教室的牆面回到如同當初般乾淨整齊時,我們也能找回當初做作品時的熱情與感動。

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